Since our return back in October, we’ve been telling you
guys about the next step for our beloved Landlord. We’ve given you the title of
his next adventure and several glimpses of parts I and II, but today we are
proud to announce the release dates for all three parts of Holiday. The Landlord
will return this April with part I scheduled to drop on April 20, 2014. Parts
II and III will then follow on a weekly basis, concluding the first week of May. Thank
you all for your continued support, especially those of you who shared what you
received in our free giveaway. If you did not participate in our first giveaway
back in December, don’t worry we will be having another one soon except this time one of the perks will be an early release of Holiday for those who participate. So stay tuned
to our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for updates.
For more details on Holiday check out our first creator update here.